School Council


The School Council is an elected body of parents, staff and community members along with the Principal, who is responsible for the efficient running of the school within guidelines provided by the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development.

Council elections are held every year in March at which time one half of the Council positions become vacant. The term of office for each elected member is two years with casual vacancies being filled as required.

Council members make a large commitment to the running of our school. Regulations governing the operation of School Councils and the Government’s commitment to transferring of responsibilities from State and Regional Offices to school based management are in operation.

There is therefore a commitment required by the whole school community to ensure the best possible use of resources for the education of your children. Council sees its role as supportive opportunity for the children attending the school.

Council meetings are conducted twice during each term. These meetings are open meetings to which all are invited to attend.


To determine the general educational policy of the school within the guidelines issued by the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development.

To act as a forum for the wider school community in relating to curriculum objectives, the use of resources and broad organisational policies.

To generally stimulate interest in the school and initiate any action considered necessary for the welfare of the school community.

Sub committees of the School Council help govern many areas that are of vital importance to the efficient and safe operation of our school.

To determine the general educational policy of the school within the guidelines issued by the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development.

To act as a forum for the wider school community in relating to curriculum objectives, the use of resources and broad organisational policies.

To generally stimulate interest in the school and initiate any action considered necessary for the welfare of the school community.

Sub committees of the School Council help govern many areas that are of vital importance to the efficient and safe operation of our school.


Reported findings and recommendations form the basis for future decision-making and directions in these areas.

Parents have a responsibility to contribute and represent their children in the current and future education process. This is done via your School Council. All parents are invited to participate; all your ideas and opinions are highly valued